

All your code should be placed in a module called groupn, i.e. a file called, where n is the group number that will be allocated to you. The main agent class (being a subclass of TradingCompany) as described in the getting started section, should be named Companyn, where n is again your group number. For example, for group 5, the resulting qualified name of the agent object becomes group5.Company5.

The warm-up competition requires only the software agent and the final submission requires the agents and an accompanying report.

Group Number

Please email us at to receive your group number.

Warm-Up competition

Please submit your agent here: TBA

Final Submission

Please submit your agent and your report as a zip archive here: TBA


Each team needs to submit a report of 2 - 4 pages in the default AAMAS 2025 template, following academic standards, including abstract, related literature and the agent description. The description should cover the overall design of the agent including various aspects of the strategy (e.g. the scheduling strategy, how your agent deals with trade and competitor uncertainty, the bidding strategy, etc.), using pseudocode where applicable.